Zachary Schuessler


Magento Print Invoice Results in ‘Only non-interlaced images are currently supported’

Fix an issue where Zend Framework errors out on PDF invoice generation.

Magento 1.7 Custom Module Setup createEntityTables() Method Fails

The createEntityTables() method has been broken for quite some time now, and in version 1.7 it still has some issues to be fixed before being used.

Easily Change Default Option Text for Configurable Products in Magento

The default text for configurable product options in Magento is too verbose. This article covers how to change the default text without extending or modifying core code.

Magento Shows Install When Already Installed

Solve an issue where Magento will attempt to install itself, even though it’s already installed.

Easily Reinstall Custom Module SQL in Magento

The official method of updating a module is to create an upgrade script. But when developing, that’s too much overhead. Let’s just cut to the chase and force Magento to reinstall our module SQL.

Magento Product Edit Only Shows Default Category

An extremely annoying bug involving Magento not showing your categories in the product edit menu, solved.

‘Stock item for Product is not valid’ in Magento

Solve an issue where Magento shows an error when it is not able to access stock data.

Integrity constraint violation: Duplicate entry for key ‘UNQ_CATALOGINVENTORY_STOCK_ITEM PRODUCT_ID_STOCK_ID’

When working with Magento imports it’s possible you’ll see this error crop up. The solution is a simple fix.

Remove Annoying Magento Notifications on Administration Panel

A guide to disable the administration notifications in Magento 1.6.1.

How To Make A Magento 1.6 Theme From Scratch

An all-inclusive guide, from start to finish, on creating a package and theme in Magento 1.6.1